[Webpack] 多入口打包共享模块【热度: 337】

关键词:webpack 多入口共享模块

默认情况下,每个入口 chunk 保存了全部其用的模块(modules)。使用 dependOn 选项你可以与另一个入口 chunk 共享模块:

module.exports = {
  entry: {
    app: { import: "./app.js", dependOn: "react-vendors" },
    "react-vendors": ["react", "react-dom", "prop-types"],

app 这个 chunk 就不会包含 react-vendors 拥有的模块了.

dependOn 选项的也可以为字符串数组:

module.exports = {
  entry: {
    moment: { import: "moment-mini", runtime: "runtime" },
    reactvendors: { import: ["react", "react-dom"], runtime: "runtime" },
    testapp: {
      import: "./wwwroot/component/TestApp.tsx",
      dependOn: ["reactvendors", "moment"],


module.exports = {
  entry: {
    app: { import: ["./app.js", "./app2.js"], dependOn: "react-vendors" },
    "react-vendors": ["react", "react-dom", "prop-types"],


module.exports = {
  entry: {
    home: "./home.js",
    shared: ["react", "react-dom", "redux", "react-redux"],
    catalog: {
      import: "./catalog.js",
      filename: "pages/catalog.js",
      dependOn: "shared",
      chunkLoading: false, // Disable chunks that are loaded on demand and put everything in the main chunk.
    personal: {
      import: "./personal.js",
      filename: "pages/personal.js",
      dependOn: "shared",
      chunkLoading: "jsonp",
      asyncChunks: true, // Create async chunks that are loaded on demand.
      layer: "name of layer", // set the layer for an entry point